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real-time performance improvement


Building a performance culture inside a global healthcare company

The Sanofi Asset Race is a programme delivered in partnership with McLaren Accelerator is designed to promote understanding and encourage meaningful action from data-driven insights. 

Accessible, recognisable, and digestible. The design system for the programme allows data insights to be communicated at scale and to be adapted, relevant to the audience receiving it.

Delivering insights across the international infrastructure is a bespoke data tool, built by Interstate's Creative Technology team, that brings live data from across the Sanofi infrastructure into single views that are tailored to audience needs.

Real data, real-time, actionable insights. 




  • Data Visualisation
  • Proof of Concept
  • Product Design
  • Product Development
  • System Integration
  • UI Design


The graphic identity was crafted to ensure maximum accessibility, transcending language and cultural barriers to ensure easy comprehension for all audiences.

The programme’s design language is fully scalable due to its modular structure. It ensures seamless adaptation to whatever device or medium it is
being displayed on while maintaining clarity.

A bespoke data tool

Live, interactive and curated data captures in-the-moment changes, trends or behaviours, enabling narratives to be built that are tailored to audiences and social situations across the physical real estate.

This leads to faster insights and efficient decision-making to stake holders but also to provide an integrated workforce understanding of the business's performance and effectiveness.

Live across global manufacturing facilities, the data tool is used to educate, inform and inspire conversation, advocacy and build a performance-driven mindset across the Sanofi teams.

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